Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I'm 4 Weeks Old

So I screamed and screamed all of yesterday...didn't even let up during feeds!

And my plan worked, Mom finally frantically called around all the chiropracters, paediatricians, baby clinics etc. I've been dying to get out the at about 4pm, once she arranged to take me to the clinic the next morning, I turned into a perfect angel and have been one ever since.

So off to the clinic we went this morning, but for some reason the parentals arranged it during my nap, and then had the audacity to drag me into Toys R Us to buy a rocker for me. Well I showed all the folk there how to really use your lungs!

The lady at the clinic was nice though, she weighed me and I'm as light as a feather at 5.4kgs, but mom and dad's mouths hung open when they heard the weight, and then the sister's mouth hung open when she found out mom pushed me out.

The sister also told my mom to put me in my new chair after feeding, try infant gaviscon and gave her the number of a physio who studied colic in it looks like I'm going to be getting some massages in the near future, yipppee!

Also my rash/pimples are nearly gone, so mom looks happier again, women you know.

This is me in mid-coo, talking to Dad

Me and my Dad

Me in my new rocker

Me demanding to be removed from that infernal chair, while the parentals mess around with a camera

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm 2 Weeks Old Today

And I've decided life is some sort of cruel and unusual punishment...gee whiz man, a kid can't even have a fart in peace, where does that pain come from?
Despite that though, I thought I'd grace the old people with a few smiles so they'd keep me around.

That lady, who calls herself mom, has decided to wake me every 3 hours during the day, something about wanting to sleep longer at night, can you imagine!

I decided to give her a bit of a break though with a feed this morning...that is after I overheard her mention something about me, the dustbin and the garbage truck which was coming I went to sleep "relatively" easy. She just better not get used to it.

Mom just missed my smile, catch a wake up man!

Whatever, I'm just trying to sleep here...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I'm One Week Old...

... And I LOVE eating!

I also love my Mom & my Dad. In fact I've left my dad two nice big whoppers when it's been his turn to change my nappy. My Mom told me she doesn't need presents so I'm saving them all for Dad at the moment.

The only thing I love more than all of that is YAWN, I'm outta here.