Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I was exploring the garden and my sand pit the other evening and the papparazzi AKA "Dad" were out in full force.
I spotted the papparazzi
Showed off my plastering skills

PLaying with leaves (it's autumn you know)

Going for a walk

Greeting the lady of the ferns

Checking out some of the plant life

Getting up close and personal with the plant life

The ferns needed some checking out too

I think there's some dirt on my hand Dad...I mean papparazzi man

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


It was Mothersday last Sunday and I made my Mommom a nice card AND I let her take some photos with me, aren't I nice.

You must excuse me though, the parentals took the photos at bedtime so I was very tired and not looking my dashing best!

My card for Mom - a bird flying through clouds

Mommom and me!
SHowing Dad how leeeeetle the airplane looks when it's in the sky