Monday, March 31, 2008

I {Heart} My Froggie

The other day we went to pick up some glasses for the blind old man more commonly known as Dad.

As luck would have it Mom decided the spectacle shop was boring, so went window shopping instead and stumbled across the teddy bear sale of the century. Lucky for me cause suddenly I had a whole bunch of teddies shoved into my pram for me to choose from.

Of course it was no competition, I only had eyes and smiles for the best of the bunch, Mr Froggie!

Check Mom, it's a frog

I wonder if he fits in my mouth?

He jumped on my tummy!

Hmmm, where shall I put him?

I love you froggie

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Magical 12 Week Mark!

I finally made it to 12 weeks today and I really thought I would feel different, but I feel exactly how I did yesterday?

Everyone's been telling us all these fantastic things about being 12 weeks old and how everything would be better. Well, I still cry cause my tummy hurts, I still cry cause no matter how hard I try keep down my precious milk I seem to spit it up every where, and I still cry cause nobody will do what I say!

Shhhhhhhhhhhh though, don't tell anyone, but when I'm not crying I'm actually really, really happy and I love to talk. Mom says I sound like some crazy bird, but in my opinion she's the only crazy bird around these parts.

I'm also really proud cause all my hard work is paying offf and I can finally reach for, and grab things I want. Of course I stuff them straight into my mouth (what else are you suppose to do?), which makes Dad think I'm hungry and he tries to get Mom to feed me again. I really wouldn't mind if she did, but no, the old meanie still makes me a wait a whole 2 hours between feeds!

I'm also getting much better at my sitting, now that I know exactly what my knees look like really close up, I've started looking around a little and sitting up a whole lot straighter. I can even sit by myself if given half a chance to.

I got weighed yesterday and came in at 6.34kgs, so Mom can stop moaning that I keep putting on weight, 300 or so grams in the last month is nothing!

I've got to go chew my hands now so adios!!

Playing with Grumpy on Easter Sunday

Look what the parentals made me wear!

Check out that motor control! My anti-wet patch under the chin bib

Look, no hands!

Today - sitting in Mom's office chair!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

11 Weeks Old

And I'm not baby any more, can't you see just what a little boy I am!

I went to visit my mom's friend Lauren today, that's why I'm looking my best.

Otherwise there is not too much happening, I'm keeping the parentals on their toes by waking up at different times every rest for the wicked!

I've also been practising my sitting and hope to show you all how good I am at it really soon. Mom just says we need Dad to be around to hold the camera, I don't know what she's worried about, it's not like I'm going to fall or anything while she's busy.

Otherwise I am wondering what's up with this easter lark...I keep hearing rumours about something called chocolate and eggs...but Mom says it really bad for me so we both need to steer clear. She said that's why I sometimes have a sore tummy, cause she ate some!

Hmmmmmmmmm, I'm not sure if I believe her though cause it looks like everyone else is enjoying themselves?

Anyway, she told me it' not the chocolate that's the important bit about easter any way, it's Jesus Christ that matters!

All dressed up for visiting in my cool jacket from Gran & Grumpy

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Green Goblin

Check me out in my new jersey, we thought it would be way too big because it's only for 6-12 month olds. But look! It's not so bad, especially once the sleeves are rolled up a bit.

I also have my very own box to play in's really cool cause it helps me sit and I get dragged around wherever Mom is going. Last night I even got to sit on the kitchen counter and watch Mom make dinner!

Urg...I lost my hands!

Grrrr...I'll just have to chew them out!

Playing in my box

Monday, March 17, 2008


It's really cold here this week and I'm not sure I like it. Whenever I get changed I get this weird feeling in my body, it kind of shakes and I can't help going "brrrrrrrrr".

I miss the days when I could just lounge around in my birthday suit or a t-shirt.

I do have some nice snuggly things though to help keep me warm...and it's really funny when Mom screams when I put my ice cold hands on her!
Then - the good ol' days in the parental's bed
Now - in my snuggly PJs from Janet next door!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Picnicless Day

Today I was suppose to go on a nice picnic to meet lots of new friends, but the weather was so bad it got cancelled. Which was a real downer cause I even got all dressed up in my nice outfit from Sue. I hope we get to do another picnic sometime, it sounds like fun and I was sad it didn't happen.

So instead I decided to go to the shops with my personal shoppers aka Mom and Dad. They're the best kind of personal shopper, cause not only do they choose the coolest stuff, but they pay for it all too!
Cause it's getting colder I got some warm tops, and we met up with my Granny and Grumpy, who also bought me the coolest jacket for winter.

It didn't take long for my mom to start dressing me up in some of the new stuff, she probably waited a whole 5 minutes after we got home, I wish she's give me a break!

Look how happy I am in my outfit from Sue!

Checking out the window
Dressed up in my new warm top

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Playgym and other toys

This last weekend Mom and Dad dragged me out round the shops. Don't they realise how much I hate that?
First it's the whole being strapped into a torture device, then put into the back of the car where there's nothing to look at except the back of the seat...yawn, and then it's being wheeled around all number of boring places!
I wasn't too happy about it but they kind of made it up to me by buying me some essential items. They got me a gym to exercise my arms and legs out on, plus they got me some cars, a plane and a helicopter which not only look cool but taste pretty good too!

Here I am working out!

My nice cars etc.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

PJ's from the UK

My mom dressed me up in my pyjamas I got all the way from England from the Calder family.

They are so nice and soft, my mom can't stop cuddling me in them. Although she went a bit overboard by putting on the hat, it's not that cold yet!

Modeling the PJ's

Mom cuddling me

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Cloth Nappies

and an Amber teething necklace are some of the nice things I got ealier this week and want to show off.

I'm so glad I finally got my cloth nappies. They are comfy and a lot cooler than the disposables, so not only am I preserving the environment, but my family jewels too!

My cool nappies were paid for courtesy of Aunty Lucy and Uncle Jon...don't you think I make a good model?

Also I don't think you can get cooler than this!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Today I rolled over

for the very first time!

My Mom keeps insiting on putting me on my tummy which I HATE cause it's soooooooooo boring.

The only thing that makes it slightly bearable is when she lies in front of me and pulls those funny faces. So when she sat up and started to leave, there is no way I was going to stare at the floor for the next 5 minutes!

I tried to check where she was going and the next thing I knew I was on my back! I got quite a fright but Mom seemed sooooo excited she kept putting me back on my tummy, which is exactly what I didn't want.

Luckily she gave up after I screamed at her.

Me checking out my Dad during tummy time

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Wearing my Oz PJ's

I got the coolest PJ's from Australia. My Dad's aunty Gail sent them for me along with a awesome book about an invisible possum.

The PJ's are suppose to be for an older baby, but luckily I made sure I ate lots so I can fit into them already...hurrah!

Monday, March 3, 2008

My First Playdate

was today and my mom said I would have a Leeah to play with, whatever that is.

Well when the Leeah arrived she looked like a girl, but I don't undertand why she is so little...everyone else I know is a lot bigger, including me? Also she was so pretty I'm quite sure she was actually a doll.
I stared at her really hard to make sure she was real, and to be honest there was evidence in her favour. She smiled really nicely and talked to me too, but I was so confused I couldn't manage to smile back. What really topped the cake was when she tried to hold my hand...I don't hold girl's hands, my mom told me that's asking for trouble!!!
Checking out the Leeah doll
I'm not too sure about this...
Eek, she's got my arm, HELP Mom!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

2 Months Old

Well it was bound to happen one day...and today I am finally all grown up! I can lift my head and chest off the floor in tummy time, and if the parentals would just take their hand off me for a second I'm pretty sure I could sit and stand by myself too.

Half my lifetime ago I could hardly even talk, I can't believe how young and helpless I once was. Of course now I know loads of words, and I like impressing people with long words like "aaah" and "ooooh", but my all time favourite is one I make when I breathe in deeply, "Eeeeeeee" !

I've also been practising my face making skills and finally pulled the perfect lip was sticking out a good quarter inch or so. I was feeling all proud for expressing myself so well, but for some reason it would appear my Mom isn't intellegent enough to understand me. Instead of feeling sorry for me and rushing over, she burst out laughing hysterically and kept pointing at my lips?

Looks like I'm gonna have my hands full teaching her. In fact, if you could all have a word with her about the appropriate reactions to my demands I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

Are you talkin' to me?

Me and my pup
Practising my worried face, I pull this one when my mom acts like a lunatic and makes crazy noises & faces...

And here's when I realised she hasn't actually lost it, she's just trying to be funny