Monday, March 3, 2008

My First Playdate

was today and my mom said I would have a Leeah to play with, whatever that is.

Well when the Leeah arrived she looked like a girl, but I don't undertand why she is so little...everyone else I know is a lot bigger, including me? Also she was so pretty I'm quite sure she was actually a doll.
I stared at her really hard to make sure she was real, and to be honest there was evidence in her favour. She smiled really nicely and talked to me too, but I was so confused I couldn't manage to smile back. What really topped the cake was when she tried to hold my hand...I don't hold girl's hands, my mom told me that's asking for trouble!!!
Checking out the Leeah doll
I'm not too sure about this...
Eek, she's got my arm, HELP Mom!

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