Saturday, July 5, 2008

Me & My Cat

Did you know I have a cat? His name is Spike and he loves me!

Actually I have 2 cats but I terrify the living daylights out of Fagan so it's almost as if I only have one.

Spike is the best cat though, he always lies down next to me when I'm playing, and makes the coollest purring noises. He is one of the reasons I decided it was time to get crawling, cause I like to follow him around.

He even lets me crawl all over him, and his squishy tummy makes a nice pillow, but when I pull his hair he makes funny squeaky noises and Mom makes me let go!
Mom can't believe how Spike lets me crawl over him, I don't know why though, everyone loves me so why wouldn't my own cat?
Here's me & my Spike
Shhhhhhhhh, I'm sneaking up on Spike
Ok, Mom says gentle so I'll give you a strokeDo you mind if I just take a short cut right over you?
Spike left so I better go after the black box instead!


Fiona's photo a day said...

Wow Spike is a BIG cat!
You are a brave boy Seth hehe

Laura said...

LOL that cat looks BIGGER than him!!!!