Monday, September 29, 2008

Pardon the Expression

But I love exercising my facial muscles these days, you can really pull the most interesting faces if you just know how!

Here are a couple of my favouristes at the moment:

It's imperative you do heavy breathing through the nose to accompany this look ,otherwise it's not half as effective
And in case you hadn't noticed, it's also fun to do it with a mouth full of food!
I can't believe my eyes!

This is how you sniff stuff that's smelly
And one last photo slightly off topic, just cause I love my Mom and she always moans I never put any photos of her here!


Natasha said...

ha ha, that first one is brilliant!
I LOVE the last photo of you guys!

Unknown said...

I keep laughing whenever I look at the "OH WOW" photo. What a clown!! Love you and him to bits.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

love the expressions!!! too kewt!!

urban farm girl said...

LOVE the OH WOW ones!!

Unknown said...

oh golly but you've made me laugh!

Fiona's photo a day said...

These had me in giggles!!!
Oh boy Seth - you are a real character but SO very cute :)