Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Have you ever noticed how much sand there is at the beach?
Mom said there was hardly any because it's all been washed away, but it looks like more than enough to me, I can't imagine there being any more!

At first I didn't think much of it all...in fact it kind of freaked me out. Even when I thought I was safe between the parentals on their towels it still managed to find me....Eeeeeeek!
But then Dad showd me how to write my name in it which was pretty cool
Soon I was leaving the safety of the towel in search of my own adventures in the sand.
And I realised it's quite comfy to sit in...
...even if Mom does put that annoying hat on you...
I even did the taste test, but I can assure you it is quite inedible.
Then Mom and I went for a walk and compared our footprints. Hers is the gigantic one to the right, while mine are the normal sized ones.
And before long, I was speeding off into the distance before anyone could stop me!

After a few days I loved the sand, and I wish I had some at home to play in. I think I need to have a chat with the parentals about organising something!


Natasha said...

oh man, looks like you had an awesome time Seth!

Fiona's photo a day said...

Oooh I love the footprint photo - what a nice idea Tanya!
You've captured Seth's 1st sea sand experience so nicely :) You should really write a book!