Thursday, October 2, 2008

9 Months!

I'm 9 months today, so about the same amount of time I should have spent swimming around in my Mom's tummy...except I of course was more than fashionably late!

So what have I been up to? Well, what haven't I been up to is more like it!

I have 6 teeth
I can make the Hadeda noise
I can say uh uh, and when Mom says uh uh I say HUH? and pretend I can't understand her
I can put the different shapes through the right holes if I try hard enough
I know the remote turns on the tv and can do it myself if the parentals let me get a hold of it

Oh there's so much more but I wouldn't want to bore you!

Relaxing after wrestling Mom to the floor
One of Mom's smelly roses


urban farm girl said...

ag man!! how time flies!! Liam also did the super man trick!!

Heidi said...

Awww man! He is growing up beautifully!

Unknown said...

happy 9 months you gorgeous thing!