Monday, January 18, 2010

My New Room

So for a while now the parentals have been messing about in the old study and making noises about how it's my "new room" and stuff because of this baby they keep talking about.

I basically ignored them because it all looked very boring to be honest, and plus I was quite happy where I was.

That is until they actually finished...and I saw it!!!

It is fact it is so cool I wanted to sleep there straight away. So I did! And yes, it went very well thanks, my new bed is nice and comfy even though I don't care much for the duvet.

The windows & my mat which is nice and soft to lie on and look at my airplanes

My toys are going to go in there, don't you think my Opa is clever for making it?

My bookshelves & my monster which I like a lot

The bed and the pictures on the wall

The bed and beside table, which my Opa also made
A few of the cool bits and bobs

And here I am fast asleep in my new bed but using MY blanky, not that silly duvet Mom made


A Daft Scots Lass said...

Its gorgeous and he clearly loves it. Look how cosy he looks.

Barb said...

Stunning - I love love love it

Latti said...

Wow Teeps, you really have outdone yourself. That is gorgeous!