Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I got the coolest thing from my Oma and Opa. They said it's for Christmas but I can use it now already because it's been so hot. So Dad stuck a bunch of water and it turned into my very own swimming pool! I love it!

Testing the water

Climbing in
Doing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" like at Aquatots
I dont want to look, I'm busy playing
Ok...You called?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Decorating the tree

Something's up these days, every where I look there are sparkly things and pretty trees.

You'd think that would be pretty fun...and it is...but for some reason no one will let me touch anything?

We even got our own pretty tree at home, and we all took turns to decorate it!

Look Dad, these leaves are prickly.

Look at that shiny thing!

Aw, why can't I pull it Ma?

Look, it's all lit up! This is actually quite exciting!
The finished product!

Monday, December 8, 2008

I "Heart" Reading!

Have I ever told you how much I love books and reading them?

They really are awesome and there is so much you can do with them...for instance you can look at them and point, and then the parentals will make funny noises, or you can eat them and literally devour the words, and the pages also make a nice scrunchy noise if you rip them out.

Mom only lets me play with the cloth & board books though, all the rest she holds when we are reading and I'm just allowed to point.

Here I am reading my favourite book, it's all about farms.
See Dad, they have cats on the farm!
Oh my gosh, not a bale of straw too!!!
Ok, time to turn the page...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Party!

On Sunday we went out and the parentals said it was a Christmas party. I have no idea what that is but I can tell you there were loads of kids there, a funny red man and lots of fun crinkly paper to rip into shreds.

It was pretty cool though and I had loads of fun with all my friends and playing on everything they had there. Me and Dad checked out the playground while Mom was chatting to her friends.

Some guy called Father Christmas...kind of a weird name don't you think? He should also try a shave some time, then maybe I could see what he actually looks like!
Oooh, what's this, a box with paper I'm allowed to tear...yippee!!!Look Dad, I got a whole big piece off!Mom seems pretty excited, maybe I should give her a small piece of paper to play with too?So exactly what am I suppose to do with this thing? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, slides are fun!
Swings are cool too, they make me laugh!
Except when they're not going anywhere...can you stop with the photos and get me out of here already?
On the jumping castle with my mates.
Playing peek a boo with Dad on the climbing frame.