Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My fave person

Guess whose my favourite person in the world?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Career Option 2: Mountaineer

So still in line of researching my future career, I decided to give mountaineering a go, but unfortunately there were no mountains to be found in our house.

I decided to give it a go on the next best thing, my high chair...after all, it does have the word high in it!!

Mom didn't seem to get the point though, she refused to talk about mountaineering and instead was using words like "naughty", "monkey" and "NO" quite a lot. I think I'm going to have to work on her a bit more.

For my first few attempts I used a handy laundry basket to give me a step up I just need to do some careful manouvering

Now just to get to a safe place to rest
And MADE IT!!!

Concentrating on my balanceMission 2: To get as high as possible (this is where boring old Mom intervened and even took away my handy laundry basket)

So I showed her I didn't need her laundry basket anyway, it's as easy as......1...
...2... ...3...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Playing with Mom

So today while Mom was trying to take photos of me with her new camera I decided to play with her!

By the way, don't you think my t-shirt is cool...all the way from Emma in the UK!

Stacking cups

Reading a book

Showing Mom what a nose is...she can never remember and asks me over and over again.

Throwing balls in a box

Attacking the Mom!