Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cuddly Teddybear

My Dad came home with the coolest stuff from Wickus this week. A huge cuddly warm sleepsuit and a warm jacket, both made from the softest stuff ever.

They came just in time too becuase it's gotten positively chilly here the last few days. The sleepsuit has kept me nicely warm and toasty the last 2 nights, and it also means I get even more hugs and cuddles than normal cause the parentals love it so much.

Did I forget to mention that it's rather tasty too!

Thank you Wickus :)

What was that?

Yip, it's pretty tasty

I feel so happy in my cuddly clothes

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Family Photos

Mom realised we didn't have one single family photo of all three of us together, no one has ever taken a picture!

So because the weather has been great, the parentals decided it would be a good time to try get some photos outside. Pity they didn't consult with me though, it would have been nice to be included. They always want to take photos, I think it's time to start charging!

Mom set up the black box on some funny legs and the next thing I know is she's legging it over to where me and Dad were waiting like some gigantic, lumbering elephant. But while they were busy trying to pose I thought I'd give them a nice surprise for later and show them just how unhappy I am that they didn't ask me if I wanted to have my photo taken :)

Can you see what I did here?
Just in case you couldn't see I've included a close up
Ok, I thought I'd better cooperate vaguely, even if I didn't smile.

Me and my Dad

I love standing!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Recovery in the Garden

Guess what! I haven't been struck down for life and I'm actually feeling a whole lot better!

Because of my miraculous recovery Mom said we can go outside today for some fresh air. I love being outside, there is so much to see and hear!

Watching the clouds drift by

Hey Mom, check out this funny green stuff, it feels spiky!

Mom keeping me warm when the wind started blowing

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Cruelty of The Cold

Sorry I haven't spoken to you all in a while but since the weekend something terrible has happened. I just feel awful all the time, there is a rattle in my chest, wet stuff is pouring out my nose and I can barely open my eyes!

Is this how life is going to be from now on out?

I don't think I can bear it, it's so bad I can barely make myself smile when the parentals are being funny.

Mom keeps telling me it's a cold, but I don't understand cause I don't feel cold at all?

Well I'm really busy feeling sorry for myself so you'll all just have to live without me for a few days.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Picture Story of His Royal Grumpiness

Why is there no feeding, I've been awake a whole 10 seconds and still my mouth is empty!
I see you! And you're not even trying to get my food ready!
Fine, if that's the way you're going to play it...I'll just sit here, and don't think you'll get any smiles out of me.
You think you're so funny, sitting there laughing with your little black box...
Can't you tell I'm ignoring you?
Oh finally, Dad to the rescue, thank goodness you got home just in time!
Dad is so funny, he he he...unlike someone else I know!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Carrots & Rolling

Here I am wearing my very comfy outfit from Liliane & Keith, Liliane brough it all the way back from Europe for me!

Can you see all the carrots all over it? Mom keeps telling me they are good for my eyesight but no matter how much I chew my sleeve it doesn't seem to make much difference.

Oh, and look how I can roll right over onto my side if there's something interesting to get to!
Check out the carrot plantation
What's cookin' good lookin'
And reach...
...and roll!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Phone Face

I was playing nicely when WHOOPS, the phone slipped out of my fingers, and do you think I could budge it!

To add to the humiliation, instead of helping Mom just giggled and pointed the black box at me.

I'll get her back later tonight when she's trying to sleep!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Inchworms and Tummy Time

I keep finding myself facedown on the floor!

Now not only does it limit my view, but I also find it very boring. Despite this the parentals keep going on about tummy time, so time and time again I find myself in this situation.

Enough's enough, I'm tired of balancing on my stomach, I think it's time to make a move. Unfortunately my arms can't seem to keep up with my legs. So my face made good friends with the floor and I look like an inchworm, but at least I made it to my toys!

"...And up and push"

Taking a Break

Nearly there!