Monday, May 19, 2008

Roll Over Beethoven...

...cause here comes Seth!

Even though I've been able to roll over since I was 2 months old, I finally worked out how to do it on purpose rather than by accident.

WOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!! Adios tummy time!!!

Stuck on my tummy again, boooooooooring!!!
Aha, but I know a little trick...
...if I just twist a tiny bit further...
..Voila, eat dirt tummy time!!!

Gummy smiles!

My mom always takes photos of me crying and grumpy but I wanted to show you I can also smile really nicely when I want :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sitting Star

So I've been practising my sitting a lot over the last few weeks. Now I can sit all by myself I'm a lot happier cause I can see more of what's going on and get to the toys I want!

Mom still insists on plonking cushions all around me though in case I fall over, it's also nice to just lean back and relax when I get tired.

Here's a couple pics of me sitting over the last week or two.
Yip, this is me sitting
Check, I can lean this way too.
Sigh, I know I'm a good looking chap but can't you leave that camera for a minute?
No? Well if you insist here's my good side!
In my basket with Froggy!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

We had such a nice day today, it's a special day when I get to tell my Mom how much I love her. So I asked my Dad to help me out and we gave my Mom a card that said this:

To My Mom

Happy Mother's Day!!!

You are the best Mom in the whole universe. I know I can sometimes be a pain but I do love you the most. I want today to be special for you so I have organised Dad to do a few things (using the power of my whine).
1. Breakfast in bed
2. No nappy changes
3. Yummy sushi for dinner
4. A music CD of your choice
5. One full body massage :)

Lots of love
Here's me & Dad during the walk we all went on before lunch.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Stuff I get up to!

Thought I'd share a few moments of my day. These were all taken around bath time.

Hey, there you are!
Come on, let me get my hands on the black box pleeeeeeeeeeeze!!!
Check my "legs in the air skill", I do this everytime I get a nappy changed, I'm quite the pro!
After the bath all cleaned up and chilling in my cot.
Practising my hardcore look!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Crybaby Blues

So all week I've been trying to tell my Mom something but she clearly isn't getting the message.

What do you think I can do to let her know what's really going on, because she doesn't undertand my crying, and she says it's making it hard for her to work?

Today she nearly got it right though, she put me in the carrier and took me for a walk around the neighbourhood, where I met some funny ladies. Certainly much better than boring old home!

Do you have to take a photo when I'm in a bad mood...waaaaah?

I guess so...sigh...

Thursday, May 8, 2008


So keeping in theme with my rugby wear I decided to try on my Springbok jersey to practise looking good for the future.

My Aunt Steph came over to see just how good I look, and helped me with my modelling.

Thank you Jenny and Ian :)

Are you sure you're taking my good side?

That's better, now I can smile!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Catch Up

Well seeing as I couldn't really post last week here is a pic or two from then.

The other day my Oma bought me this cool top, don't you think I look like a rugby player in it?
The other other day I visited my friend Leeah and got to play on her awesome playmat. This pic was however taken seconds before I screamed cause she tried to touch me again, Mom's told me how dangerous girls can be!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Keyboard King

How rude, the parentals were both home all of last week and completely hogged all the computers, so I didn't get much chance to come and update my blog.

But I did put the time to good use practising my typing skills, just see how fast I am! Dad kept getting in my way though, trying to show me different letters, can't he see I already know what I'm doing?

Lightening McSeth on the Keyboard
Thinking of what to type next
Yes Dad, I know where the Enter button is, thank you, I was just pausing for thought (rolls eyes)

Friday, May 2, 2008

4 Months Old

Hey everyone, I'm 4 months old today woooooo hooooo!!!

I've been really busy the last few months with growing and all, I finally made it up to 7.12kgs earlier this week and I'm really starting to get the hang of things.

Tummy time isn't so bad now that I can move around a bit and I'm practising my sitting lots.

Because Dad is spending this week at home with me I decided to finally start talking to the parentals...I must tell you it was hilarious watching them the last few weeks saying "Say owwww, say oooooh, say mama..." etc, while I just lay there staring at them...they didn't know what to do!

Here's a couple photos Mom took this last week