Monday, August 22, 2011

Neve - some sort of photos of me!

It's not for lack of trying that there's not a lot of photos of me lately...the truth is I just don't let Mama take many of me.

If I see a camera I either run away or run towards her swiftly, and then grab onto her legs/clothes so all she gets a pic of is the back or top of my head...kind of like this...
If someone tries to hold me in front of the camera I just turn my head away...again and again and again. Dad doesn't mind the cuddles though!
Sometimes she manages to get a slightly blurry snap of me loving my Daddy
And sometimes she's lucky enough to get me distracted by some funny contraption
And just once in the last few weeks has she managed to get 1 full on photo of my face where I'm actually smiling

At least Seth gave her a break with his "take a photo of me upside down Mom!!!"