Thursday, April 21, 2011

Seth - Fire Engine Party

The other day my Noni took me to the most awesome party, it was at a fire station!!!
I got to go on the fire engine, slide down the fireman pole, learn to drive, I even got my own drivers license!

Here's me climbing the fire engine, check out my fireman boots!
Cupcake - yum!
Guess who!

Thank you so much Noni for taking me and Jensen for inviting me, I had the best time eva!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Neve - Yummy Ice Cream!

So I've been busy growing teeth, 3 popped out this last week...OUCH!

But on the upside the parentals FINALLY gave me my OWN ice cream, rather than fobbing me off with a lick of theirs...WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Nom nom nom nom nom nom.....

The excitement was such that I bounced off the walls and then this happened
Sleepy Angel!