Saturday, August 28, 2010


We've all been so sick this last week, even Mom & Dad!

It was terrible, we eventually just went to sleep on Dad, much better than feeling bad by yourself!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Seth - Aircraft Designer in Training!

I spend a fair amount of my day designing and flying experimental aircraft, it's quite a fun job! I thought I'd share with you all how an aircraft can be reassembled into something completely different but just as cool.

Ok, are you all ready. Behind me is an aircraft I designed easrlier. I'm a bit bored of the design now so want to try something new.
You need to take it apart like this, and with a little rearranging...
...Voila! You can make something awesome like this!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Neve - Eating & Squishing!

There's been lots of firsts here over the last few days, the other day mom popped a bit of avo in my mouth just to see, and I sucked it right down no problem, it was quite yummy.

Then today they popped me in my own chair, and gave me some of the stuff they all play with, I was so excited I couldn't believe it! But I have to tell you, that stuff feels disgusting, just touching it with the tips of my fingers sent a shiver right through my whole body...eeeeeeuuuuuuwwwww!!! After a while though it got fun!

What? After all these months of not letting me touch your food now you're actually giving me my own bit?
Gosh it's hard to pick up
It's all squishy in my hand!
I think I'll just suck my thumb...eeeeuuuuwww, there's some stuff stuck on it!
Well I guess my hadns are already dirty, a little more won't kill me...
Squishy fun!!!
Look what I made Mom!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Neve - I Can Sit!

By myself!!!

So don't believe anything Seth has to say about that m'kay!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Neve - My First Swimming Lesson!

I've been to watch my brother swim my whole life it seems, so imagine my surprise today when Dad took me into the pool after Seth was done.
Wow, the water was so nice and warm and pretty, I had such a good time...not even one little moan out of me...that is until Mom got me dressed, hasn't she figured out yet that I hate it???

Here's some photos of me and Dad having fun in the water!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Seth - Saving Sisters

So it turns out my little sister is pretty useless at a lot of things, like talking, playing, sitting etc. I always have to give her toys to play with cause she can't get her own, and then she just goes and drops it. She also just topples over all the time when she tries to sit, silly girl! Luckily she has me to look after her though!

Case in point, the other night Mom was trying to take a photo of me and took her eye off my Neve for one second
Before we knew it Neve was trying to get in the picture too, but was perilously close to landing on her head
She looked at me for help...
What's a big brother to do? So I gave her a hand up
Hurrah, Seth to the rescue!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Neve - Rocker Chic!

I got post the other day, it was very exciting, and inside were the most divine babygrows from my Mom's friend A! And I had just the thing to go with them too, my cool baby legs & purple skirt...I feel very hip in my new outfits :D

& Love...
And a quick one to show you me practising my sitting!
Thanks A, we LOVE the babygrows :D