Monday, August 9, 2010

Neve - Eating & Squishing!

There's been lots of firsts here over the last few days, the other day mom popped a bit of avo in my mouth just to see, and I sucked it right down no problem, it was quite yummy.

Then today they popped me in my own chair, and gave me some of the stuff they all play with, I was so excited I couldn't believe it! But I have to tell you, that stuff feels disgusting, just touching it with the tips of my fingers sent a shiver right through my whole body...eeeeeeuuuuuuwwwww!!! After a while though it got fun!

What? After all these months of not letting me touch your food now you're actually giving me my own bit?
Gosh it's hard to pick up
It's all squishy in my hand!
I think I'll just suck my thumb...eeeeuuuuwww, there's some stuff stuck on it!
Well I guess my hadns are already dirty, a little more won't kill me...
Squishy fun!!!
Look what I made Mom!

1 comment:

A Daft Scots Lass said...

she's just so dead cute!!!