Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Picture Story of His Royal Grumpiness

Why is there no feeding, I've been awake a whole 10 seconds and still my mouth is empty!
I see you! And you're not even trying to get my food ready!
Fine, if that's the way you're going to play it...I'll just sit here, and don't think you'll get any smiles out of me.
You think you're so funny, sitting there laughing with your little black box...
Can't you tell I'm ignoring you?
Oh finally, Dad to the rescue, thank goodness you got home just in time!
Dad is so funny, he he he...unlike someone else I know!


Fiona's photo a day said...

My word Mr Grumpy - that face you pulled in the third picture is absolutely priceless. I love it :)

Natasha said...

ag shampies man!


Anonymous said...

Oh LMAO that is the funniest thing ever. I can;t wait until he sees this post when he is older, he will have such a laugh!

Carol Markusse said...

He is sooo cute, he really is. Looking at the other posts I don't think he is going to waste his time getting mobile!

suew said...

awww what cute pics!!
and what a grumpy face :)
LOVE the outfit!!

Mignon Dehning said...

Hehehe, I love the pics in the story of his royal grumpiness, LOL!