Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My 1 year checkup!

I went to the doctor yesterday for my 1 year check up and apparently everything is good. Ha ha, he tried to make me walk to Mom but I tricked him and just ran straight to Dad.

I now weight 8.75 kg's so am a real skinny malink, but I am 81cm's tall. Dr said it looks like I may be even taller than he first thought, and when I'm all grown up it's likely I'll be over 6 foot. That will be pretty cool cause then finally I'll be able to see what Mom gets up to in the kitchen and I'll be able to reach the tv remote!

I just wanted to show you the magic trick I can do. With just a few words I can turn a peaceful sleeping baby into...

1 comment:

KarinG said...

He's so cute T. :D